Our stories

Razhiel, Ph.D.

Spiritual Healer

Manifestation Mentor

Razhiel is a spiritual healer who has 12 years of healing experience. Her main tool is Spiritual Response Therapy, which is a dowsing technique that allows her to find out and clear negative energetic blockages and programs that prevent people from achieving well-being by accessing their soul records with the help of High Self.

Besides that, she also pulls negative energies out of people and grounds them, and uses crystals, message cards, and symbols, including her own channelled symbols Korktic Symbols, to facilitate her healing work. Generally speaking, she shifts the energies in people and their surroundings in order to transform their lives for the better.

Detailed background

Razhiel is a spiritual healer equipped with both spiritual and scientific knowledge. She is a certified Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT) practitioner, has a doctorate degree in physics, and has conducted research in neuroscience and particle physics at CERN the largest particle physics research organization in the world. Her scientific knowledge helps her understand the law that governs this Universe and human biology, and be more effective as a healer.

She began her healing journey during her grad school years, when one day she unexpectedly encountered a psychic who recommended her to learn Spiritual Response Therapy. Curious, she enrolled in a class without even knowing what it was. At that time, a family member had recently been diagnosed with terminal cancer, and the prognosis was grim. Razhiel decided to shift the situation, so she secretly conducted a healing session on her every weekend for half a year. That relative went on to live more than a decade of fulfilling life. After earning her PhD, she transitioned from physics to neuroscience to deepen her understanding of the human mind and explore more effective healing methods.

Besides hand-on healing work, she channels information, and writes articles related to spirituality. She has channeled a set of 24 energy symbols called the Korktic symbols with the functions of healing, setting energy shields, and directing energy. Some of her articles can be found in the Resources section of this website, while the entire collection of her writings, including the channeled messages, are on her Tumblr blog: TheEarthForce.tumblr.com.

Additionally, driven by her urge to discover better techniques, she experiments with new methods for more efficient manifestations, reality shifting and healing, and she gives talks on the connections between science and spirituality and how it can transform our understanding of the world.

She is happy for the service she is providing to help people and the Mother Earth.


Intuitive Card Reader

Crystal Cleanser

Auriel uses a combination of tools, including the tarot, message/ oracle cards and meditation to gain insights. 

She is closely connected with the nature, the earth and beings that enjoy living in that realm, such as fairies. She also works with angel Ariel, whom she recognises as the caretaker of all nature beings. 

Apart from that, she has keen intuition. Her'gut' feelings often help her ward off dangers.

She has lived in Asia and Europe and now resides in Switzerland. Nations and landscape, like other organic beings emit energies because of collected consciousness and energetic setups like portals. Auriel senses differences in energetic exchanges across places, including varying degrees of protection or 'protectedness'. 

If you like the nature energy or are looking for crystal cleansing or inspirations from card-reading, you are more than welcome to contact her.

Belief in Brief

I believe everyone is equally gifted and free to choose the way to live life. What we encounter in life are what we choose to experience, lessons we pick or programmes we want to overcome, for a path back to the Source we pick before (re-)incarnating here on Earth. 

It is important that we take responsibility for what we do and wish for because owning that confers power, when free will is the gift from the Universe for manifestations.



Email: starlightwithin@protonmail.com
(previous email address korktic@gmail.com still works)

Discord: razhiel0

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