Healing exercises

Table of Contents:

7 ways to transform your beliefs for better well-being

Your beliefs shape your world—shift them, and you shift your life! Here are 7 powerful ways to transform them for more happiness and fulfillment:

1) Set a clear intention
Decide which beliefs you want to change. Intentions are powerful catalysts for transformation.

2) Pray to God(s) or ask your spirit guides and the Universe for help
They can help transform your beliefs by manifesting events that shift your perspective, changing your feelings, or providing dreams that offer you new insights and perspectives.

3) Use visualization
Picture your limiting beliefs as an old, run-down house. Imagine it burning to the ground, the debris cleared away, making space for the construction of a beautiful new home—your beneficial new beliefs. This technique comes from the Seth Material by Jane Roberts, and you can read the original excerpt here.

4) Practice positive affirmations and gratitude

5) Let go symbolically
Write down the negative beliefs you want to release on paper, then either burn it or erase the words with an eraser.

6) Shift your focus to alter your emotions
Shift your attention to something that brings you joy or delight. As you change how you feel, you raise your vibration and respond to your surroundings differently, helping you attract better experiences that reinforce your new, uplifting beliefs.

7) If you know any energy healing techniques, release the energy tied to those beliefs.

Releasing old unhealthy beliefs, and replacing them with new healthy ones

From The Early Sessions: Book 9 of The Seth Material by Jane Roberts; Session 481 May 12, 1969  © 2014 Laurel Davies-Butts

It starts with visualizing the obsolete beliefs as an old, run-down house. Then, do the followings:

"In your mind’s eye however imagine a run-down, shabby, deteriorating shamble of a house with rotting floorboards and sagging porches. Then imagine that it is burned to the ground and the remaining rubble carted away and burned. Imagine the land now free beneath it, open to the blessing of wind, rain and sun. Then imagine a new house being built there, of your preferred choice, with all new materials, of splendid design, and see this always in your mind where before you saw the previous image.

Imagine the summer winds that blow over the land that now fills the interior of the house with scented air. Let the first house represent all negative ideas or constructions, and the new house represent the desired ideas or constructions. Have it firmly in your mind however as to what ideas these refer, specifically. 

The first object must be seen as completely destroyed, and the area cleared before the new object is imagined in its place. The first object should be deliberately destroyed. What relief to see it vanish. The symbolism will help activate those forces that are necessary in any replacement of ideas. Any object you see can be used in place of the house. Do you follow me?

If the exercise is done correctly it is literally impossible for the old idea to obtain any energy for its continuance and your attention is directed to the desired end. The object should be something you can visualize easily however. If you have difficulty imagining the deliberate destruction of the negative object, this is merely a sign of its hold. You may then instead imagine its destruction by an act of nature. The house being struck by lightning for example. If this is the case then the exercise should be continued until you imagine you yourself deciding upon and bringing about the destruction and replacement. If you are not ready to burn down the structure itself, imaginatively, then you are not prepared to rid yourself of the negative behavior, you see. The symbolic destruction is the real destruction. The symbolic creation is the real creation. Such exercises will cut down the physical time involved however.

Confidence is extremely important. It will lead to more confidence, and of itself wipes out the fear that causes most negative conditions. In the exercise you see the house can simply represent fear, for a basic therapeutic method, and the new house confidence."

How to remove curses and obsolete vows

The following passage is an excerpt (decree) from Angel Inspiration: Together, Humans and Angels Have the Power to Change the World written by Diana Cooper. Read this decree out loud to the Universe three times to clear curses and outdated vows:

Preamble to decree
I forgive all those who have ever hurt, harmed or cursed me, known and unknown, as I ask for forgiveness of those whom I have hurt, harmed or cursed, known and unknown. I invoke the Law of Forgiveness, under Grace, for all situations, conditions and events in my life and all past lives.

I now invoke Lord Kumeka, Chohan of the eighth ray, Vywamus, Djwal Khul and the mighty Archangel Michael to release outdated vows.

In the name of God and all that is light, under the Law of Grace, I now decree that all vows, curses, pacts, dedications and implants made by me or to me are rescinded and transmuted, whether in this life or another, in all parallel lives and Universes, in all my bodies. I command that the angels who administer these vows release their duties forthwith. I AM totally free.

"I revoke any and all vows to burden any energetic block and program for other souls and beings. I revoke any and all vows to let other beings to take my energies and powers without consent. I choose to stay open to daily guidance and decisions that are for my highest good here and now! I am great as I am, I praise Universal Source."

— edited from a vow-revoking statement taught in Spiritual Response Therapy by Reverend Robert E. Detzler

Go Deeper into Knowing and Loving Yourself (self-paced meditation exercise)

Written by Razhiel, published in the Winter (December) 2021 issue of Spiritual Response Association (SRA) Ascension Journal. Razhiel would like to thank the Publication Team of SRA for their editorial efforts to improve this article. If you would like to try this exercise but you don't practice Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT), you can read the non-SRT-specific version here.

Once while doing Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT), a simple exercise entered my mind. I imagined myself standing in front of me and then hugged that image. Through this exercise, unrealized feelings about myself and previous decisions I hadn’t made peace with were revealed. I would like to take this opportunity to share this exercise with you.

If you feel energetically blocked at the moment, please first prep yourself to work and do an SRT clearing. This exercise needs to be done with positive energy while you are in a meditative state. When you are ready, put yourself in a meditative state by following the meditation method taught by your SRT Teacher or use another approach that works for you. At this stage you can choose to prep yourself to work by following the standard SRT procedures, but it is not mandatory.

Once you are in a meditative state, imagine yourself standing in front of you. Then, hug yourself just as you would hug another person and monitor your own feelings. This part of the exercise will tell you how you truly feel about yourself.

After the hug, remember how you were at different ages and initiate a conversation with your childhood or teenage self. Those different versions of yourself may ask you questions about particular events or past decisions you made. Through these conversations, regrets, doubts, and wounds from the past may surface, particularly if there are decisions or past events you feel you didn't handle correctly. Ask yourself:

After answering the above questions, do a clearing with your High Self to release the energies that don’t serve you. You can use the standard SRT procedures to locate and release these energies. Ask your High Self to help you accept the past and move on from it, understanding that no one can make decisions perfectly all the time. Replace negative self-images and beliefs with positive affirmations. Lastly, fill yourself with love, then mop up.

Affirmation: I am at peace with the past and the present. I have a positive image of myself. I hug myself with love.

"First Step to Attracting What You Want: Emptying the Mind" meditation exercise (audio)

Created by Aurial on 24 March 2022

The first step to attracting what you want into your life is to empty your mind.

Grounding meditation exercise (audio)

Created by Aurial on 24 Feb 2022

This grounding exercise is designed to help you connect to the earth. As we live our lives, we could experience many pulls and pushes that de-centre ourselves from the Source. Grounding helps us retrieve that balance--the force that holds and supports us so that we feel clear, centred, and focused.