Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT)

What is Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT)?

SRT is a spiritual healing method that involves the use of dowsing to communicate with High Self, who oversees our soul records and is the source of Truth and intuition, to discover and release discordant energies that prevent us from achieving well-being. It was conceived by Robert E. Detzler in the late 1980s when he added spiritual aspects to the pre-existing psychological treatment approach called Response Therapy, which was developed by sociologist Dr. Clark Cameron and his wife Sharon.

Detzler realized that by researching past lives of his clients, healing became more effective, as discordant energies from past lives can be carried over into the present life and cause problems. Discordant energies usually come from unresolved emotional or mental conflicts, obsolete promises, curses, or negative beliefs stemming from either this life or other lifetimes. They can cause problems such as emotional issues, health problems, troubles in manifesting prosperity and cultivating harmony, or difficulties in personal relationships.

During a SRT session, Razhiel would connect to High Self to find the roots of the issues. High Self would point out the causes through a pendulum and a set of charts, then remove the obstructing energies to make room for a better and more fulfilling future.

What can Spiritual Response Therapy do for you?


How to request service:

Email Razhiel at starlightwithin@protonmail.com or message her on Discord (ID: razhiel0). Tell her if you prefer to have:

If you prefer the first setting, please tell her your available time. A session typically lasts for 1 hour, but don't be surprised if it overruns. So, please reserve ample time for it.

If you have any specific issue(s) that you would like to be worked on, please let her know as well. 

This service can be paid by credit card, debit card or PayPal. Each session costs:
~ GBP £63 (normal speed, depending on how many clients in queue)
~ GBP £100 (speed-up service, with your session happening within 3 days)
The system supports the conversion of other currencies to GBP, so don't worry if you live outside the United Kingdom 😄

Your privacy is important, so your identity will be kept secret.


While Starlight Within may provide information related to health and may facilitate a healing process, it is not a government-certified medical or mental health service provider. Any information and/or service provided by Starlight Within are not intended to replace professional medical advice, counselling, therapy and service. For health inquiry and issues related to illnesses, please consult government-certified medical officers. In fact, spiritual healing occasionally helps by making one more receptive to medical retreatment or guiding one to the right medical resource. You are welcome to tell Razhiel about your medical visits, especially if this information is likely to be useful during our sessions.

Also when you contact us, there is a chance that we may have to turn down your case. Perhaps it is because we foresee that the service we can provide does not suit your need or we have scheduling conflicts. Therefore, we reserve the rights of declining any cases.